Breadcrumb for blogger post

blogger breadcrumb
Breadcrumb is a series of hyperlinks displayed at the top of the post, which is indicating the post position in the overall label and category. Which is usually arranged in hierarchical order
We need to configure below items to enable breadcrumb in your blogger post
  • Add FontAwesome CSS to you blog
  • Code to show breadcrumb above post
  • CSS for you breadcrumb 

Procedure to implement breadcrumb

  1. Go to Dashboard > Template > Edit Template
  2. Please find <head> tag and paste this code below <head> tag
  3. Find below code 
  4. Replace above code with code with below code
  5. Now find  ]]></b:skin> and paste this code above that.
  6. Now your post will have breadcrumb like below
If you facing any difficulties in setting up this, please let me know in a comment.

Breadcrumb for blogger post Breadcrumb for blogger post Reviewed by Unknown on 02 April, 2016 Rating: 5

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